Hello 👋

I am Atishay, a product designer with over 12 years of experience leading design teams, executing design cycles, and fostering design ethos within diverse organizational settings


Hello 👋

I am Atishay, a product designer with over 12 years of experience in leading design teams, executing design cycles, and fostering design ethos within diverse organizational settings


Case Studies đŸĨ

Redefining Enterprise UX for the Crown Prince Court of Abu Dhabi

At the Crown Prince Court of Abu Dhabi, a primary initiative supports citizens with financial, medical, housing, and educational aid. Historically, processes were manual and paper-heavy due to a complex suite of desktop applications, leading to inefficiency and environmental concerns. Our goal was to streamline these processes, enhance the user experience, and reduce manual labor and the carbon footprint.

Key Challenges

  • The target user base consisted solely of Arabic speakers.
  • Loan processing was cumbersome, requiring navigation through 8 systems and 26 pages, and taking over 250 days to progress.
  • Frequent unavailability of critical customer data delayed processes.

Key Solutions

  • Designed a master UI that consolidated over 40 systems into one streamlined interface.
  • Introduced a mobile app for easier citizen engagement and data submission.
  • Enhanced employee productivity and morale through gamification, leadership boards, and incentives.

Key Results

  • Processing time for applications cut by 60%.
  • Increased the availability of data in the system by 94%
  • Reduced carbon footprint by 75%.
  • Almost fired for optimizing a workflow that replaced an officer's full-time job.😰
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Building a white label design system for the world's leading insurance company

iptiQ aimed to develop a B2B2C white-label insurance solution that was both configurable and customizable with minimal onboarding effort. This required building a robust white-label design system to streamline the workflow.

Key Challenges

  • Creating a design system based on an existing workflow that did not use standard controls.
  • Supporting 8+ languages and dynamic content for localization.
  • Understanding partner journey variations without direct consultations.

Key Solutions

  • Reengineered the workflow using material components in Figma.
  • Created a theme-based design system with robust configurations.
  • Developed a design playbook documented on ZeroHeight to foster continuity and adoption.

Key Results

  • 500+ interconnected components.
  • 12 partners onboarded successfully.
  • 500% faster to onboard a new partner.
  • 80+ hours saved by the development team.
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Redefining digital freight experience for one of the largest freight forwarders - Agility.

Shipa Freight, a digital logistics venture by Agility, aimed to handle the digital quoting and booking aspect of freight services while Agility managed ground operations. Despite launching in 2018 and gaining initial traction, the venture faced challenges in generating business opportunities, prompting a significant investment in UX to better understand and serve its users.

Key Challenges

  • Lack of industry knowledge and highly varied user behavior.
  • Need for a unified platform suitable for various user types, from newbies to experts and from SMBs to large enterprises.
  • Initial trust issues with the new digital freight platform and resistance to a fully self-serviced digital model.

Key Solutions

  • Customized user onboarding tailored to the persona identified at registration.
  • Introduction of the voice of the customer initiative and transparent pricing policy.
  • Stronger integration of sales and operations with product journey for user hand-holding.

Key Results

  • Growth in Marketing Qualified Leads (MQLs) following the enhanced registration process.
  • A 400% increase in conversion rates from visitor to payment.
  • Reduction in customer complaints and higher retention rates.
  • A 70% rise in Net Promoter Score (NPS), indicating improved customer satisfaction.

Note: Details of this case study are restricted due to the company's privacy policy.

Designing an omnichannel UX for the largest Islamic bank in Qatar

Qatar Islamic Bank (QIB) had an existing mobile app that offered basic banking features but was not scalable and too dependent on outdated technology. With the recent adoption of BackBase as their new banking platform, our objective was to redesign the mobile app to maintain its existing features, introduce beneficial new features, and create a seamless omnichannel banking experience.

Key Challenges

  • The app was used primarily in Arabic (Right-to-Left script).
  • As one of the largest Islamic banks, it was crucial to reflect Islamic cultural values in the design.
  • Most customers preferred branch banking over using the mobile app.

Key Solutions

  • Simplified onboarding process.
  • Introduction of personal passcode and authentication app as an alternative to OTP.
  • Collaboration with utility providers like Vodafone and Ooredoo for seamless bill payments.

Key Results

  • Achieved a 10% increase in mobile app users.
  • Increased the average number of transactions per user per week by 8%.
  • Significantly reduced task completion errors by 70% and user drop-offs by 50%.
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Enhancing the online flight booking experience for SpiceJet Airlines

SpiceJet, a leading economy airline in India, primarily received bookings through agent sites. However, with increasing traffic on their official website, SpiceJet aimed to capitalize on this trend to boost direct bookings. Our objective was to evaluate and enhance the website to increase organic bookings directly from users.

Key Challenges

  • Overly complex booking process requiring extensive information from users.
  • Users experienced up to 40 minutes from flight search to payment completion.
  • Interface usability issues and poorly structured information architecture (IA).

Key Solutions

  • Developed a design system with standardized controls to improve usability.
  • Executed a comprehensive rebranding and website redesign for customers, agents, and corporate clients.
  • Streamlined the booking process, reducing the information required by 60%.

Key Results

  • Achieved a 50% increase in conversions from the homepage to search results.
  • Increased the conversion rate from the homepage to payment completion by 15%.
  • Recorded a 30% increase in the purchase of add-ons by customers.
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About Me đŸĒŠ

With over 12 years of experience in service design and design-driven transformations, I excel in fostering team cultures and processes that enhance cross-functional delivery. My career began by training over 500 aspiring developers and designers during my graduation. This initiative evolved into a design studio providing comprehensive services to startups. Despite its success, scalability was limited by experience and financial growth.

Subsequently, I led the design vertical at Xebia, where my strategic consulting extended to firms like Boston Consulting Group and McKinsey & Co., enhancing client-facing and internal applications.

Currently, I am the Head of Customer Experience at Shipa Freight and iContainers within the Agility Group, leading a dynamic team of designers, developers, and product owners across UAE and India. My focus continues on refining team processes, bridging operational gaps, and shaping growth strategies, enhancing our digital platforms and customer experience.

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